Friday, December 28, 2012

  My house is probably typical of most houses out there.  I have three wonderful kids, so I also have all of their assorted messes.  One thing I love to do is to go on Pintrest and see the organizing ideas, and fantasize about having a house that looked like that.  Then it hit me!  I should do that! My goal for this new year is to organize, room by room, even drawer by drawer if I have to, and end up with the house that I dream about. Of course, I will need all the help I can get, so please feel free to leave comments with your ideas! As I go, I will post before and after pics, so everyone can see what I've done, and if it can be improved. This will have to be done on a budget, so I'm sure I'll hit the thrift store often to see what I can use and/or re-purpose. I am so excited!

I went to the farm today to do some chicken maintenance. The guys and girls were out in the yard for the most part, so I fed them some kitchen scraps, and went inside the coop. Surprisingly, it wasn't too bad in there. I fluffed up the pine shavings already on the ground, then added another 3" layer. They seemed to like it as I was putting them inside, as they were already bedding down in it (they are still young, and only a few of them use the roost).

Please send your comments and suggestions! I will need all the help I can get becoming a farm girl and learning to organize my house into a house I would be proud to have anyone come by unannounced!


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My first day blogging

 Well, seeing as how I've never done this before, it's hard to know where to begin.  Speaking of my disorganized life, I cleaned off the kitchen counter (it was piled pretty high). I found all the bills that I need to sit down and pay tomorrow. I also cleaned off my computer desk, which makes me feel SOOOO much better!  Have you ever sat down to do something, and had to shove a huge pile of junk out of the way, most of which then fell on the floor? Well, now my desk is nice and clean. We'll see how long it stays that way. I did the dishes for the night, and put my last load of clothes in the dryer. All and all, I'd say it's been a productive day!  What did you do today that made you feel like you got something accomplished?

I am also very interested in the homesteading lifestyle. I have so many magazine subscriptions, and a ton of books on the various subjects, and am so excited to try to ease my way into it. It helps that my in-laws live down the road on a farm. (We are renting a house) We finally got chickens about 9 weeks ago, after months of planning.  I brooded the 24 Rhode Island Red chicks here until the chicken house at the farm was finally done. Now they are there, and getting so big!  Right now the plan as I understand it is to slaughter all but the 2 best roosters, and maybe some of the hens to make the living quarters more comfortable. I'm not looking forward to that part, but it sure beats buying some random chicken at the store that's may have been pumped full of so many chemicals that I can't pronounce half of them.  The hens should start laying at 6-7 months. At least, that is what I read. If any of you can give me any advice at all about raising chickens, I would sure appreciate it.

Here in East Texas, we actually had a white Christmas! It snowed anywhere from 4-5 inches yesterday, and there is still snow all over the ground. The Farmer's Almanac was wrong about the weather. It says that from the 24th-27th there was supposed to be snow in Northern New Mexico, rain in Southern New Mexico, Texas, and the Mississippi Valley. Well, at least it was right about us getting participation.

My MIL is planning a good sized vegetable garden for this year, and since I'm currently renting, I'll just plant some corn and climbing beans. Maybe some peas as well. But we will eventually be moving (to someplace, just not sure where yet), and I am in the beginning stages of planning an herb garden. I would like to learn everything I can about herbal healing, and all the different ways our ancestors used herbs instead of pills for everything. There is just so much out there, it is very difficult to know where to start. Like, what should I definately have in the garden? Does it have to be planted a certain way? Ect, ect.  Please send me all the advise you have.

I subscribe to a good number of magazines, and collect books about anything and everything. I love going to the thrift store and finding good deals. Our local thrift store supports a local hospice center, so I never feel guilty about buying things. I also love going to antique stores, even though i'm careful because I know they are out to make a profit like everyone else. If anyone has any reading suggestions, send them!

I am currently reading Mother Earth Living magazine. First time I've read one. So far, not too bad. It seems to focus on "Natural Home, Healthy Life"  What are you reading right now.

Well, I'm off to straighten up my desk that I've already cluttered back up.  I would love any and all feedback, and will send a reply to everyone.
