Well, learning the ins and outs of blogging is much harder than I thought. Sure, I can type away, but trying to "grab buttons" from other blogs is so far too difficult for me. And I see the "Link" button on my tools, but that is too difficult too. So, for now, my blogging may look bland, but don't give up on me yet. I'll learn, and I would LOVE any hints and tips you can give me.
My blog for today is to tell you about another organizing challenge I'm starting. It is from The Organized Housewife. See, this is an example of my blogging issues. I tried the Link tool, and it appears like the link would work, as it is in blue. But is doesn't. So frustrating! Her website is at www.theorganizedhousewife.com.au.
The challenge I'm starting was originally posted in 2012. I hope she does one for 2013. Today I am doing the Pre-Challenge Task 1. First, she explains an overview of the challenge. Next, she gives you today's tasks. Then there is the so far impossible task of grabbing the button to link up with her.
So, today is the day to make the binder that will be used the entire challenge. She provided a free printable for the cover. Items needed to complete today's task are: a ring binder, a pack of 5 dividers, at least 40 pages of printer paper for printables, and a printer. As I am an OCD collector of office supplies, I've already got all of these on hand. Yeah!!
Next, print cover page. Then label dividers: Tasks, Checklists, Routines, Notes, Other
Then I'm supposed to link up with her. Obviously, that won't happen right now.
Please, check out her website! It is FULL of great organizing ideas, and links to other people who organize and have shared their ideas and included before and after pics. I could spend all day looking through her website, but for now, I'm going to give this challenge a go. The good Lord knows that my house needs it.
Leave me comments and let me know what you think, and share any tips about how to make my blog work better and be more attractive. See you tomorrow!!